
Friday, August 21, 2009

mom of the year

i have had some moments when i have felt like mom of the year. toot toot goes my own horn. ok, well, at least mom of the moment. the moments when my children are happily consuming a dinner of salmon and brussel sprouts. the moments when my children say "thank you" and "please" to others, unprompted. but today. oh today. today at toddler yoga while other little toddler yogis gracefully placed one block under their little bodies to establish that perfect virasana pose, my little toddler cried because he needed more than one block to build his building (obvi). today at toddler yoga when the teacher asked the class what kind of music do you like? and one little toddler yogi said "merengue" and another little toddler yogi said "mozart," my little toddler shouted "dora!" and today at toddler yoga when the teacher asked what we should plant in our garden, one little toddler yogi said "carrots" and another little toddler yogi said "peas" and my little toddler shouted "cookies!" and today at toddler yoga, after receiving a parting gift of a single piece of chocolate, my little toddler dropped (accidentally, i'm almost positive) one single piece of chocolate into the toilet. and i flushed. thank shavasana it flushed. so today at toddler yoga my kids cried, shouted out curses like dora! and cookies! and sent chocolate into the toilet. mom of the year. at least the moment. i have failed to mention the moment that the teacher asked the little toddler yogis if anyone wanted to give anyone else a hug. my two. only ones to stand up, embraced. r said "that's my brother." so really, everything else i wrote about doesn't matter. but it still happened. but hello, i had my moment.

when you look up mom of the year, this is what you find. and it somehow makes me feel better. but i guess her kids are older. so i've still got time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

fashion forward

ahhhh, it's a brisk 103 degrees as i type this, the wind camly blowing fresh, light 103 degree disgustingness. and yet, people tell us, fall is upon us. you know i love fall. fake fall. with the onset of fake fall comes the onset of shopping. i get the fever with the change of fake seasons. i can't help it. so the sales hit, the new fake fall season of clothes is here. so i thought i'd throw some eye-candy your way. you. are. welcome. here are some items i'm loving FOR MY TODDLER? um. no. FOR ME. but these precious pretties are, in fact, wait for it. for toddlers. i know. it's a sickness. i would totally wear these (even if i shouldn't wear these). I should get to wear these. (like i need more what department should i really be shopping in confusion). but no. they're toddler gear. allegedly. not my toddler's gear. because these items cost up to $5,493 per item. ok, only up to $180 per item but that seems like $5,493 per item to me due to the reeee-diculous factor. seriously. so if you see suri cruise toddling in one of these frocks, you can tell her you saw it here first.

OMG so last season, suri