
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

happy tuesday to me

every once in a while you get a little gift. a sweet surprise on an ordinary day. like when your spouse shows up with flowers and mini-beers (actually happened last week. lucky me.). did you know they make mini-beers? i love mini anything. and beer. seven delightful ounces of corona. with a little sliver of lime. what could be better? so, today's gift. let's call today's gift "my picky eating, vegetable hating (read: vegetable throwing) daughter willingly consumed superfood wait for it...raw radishes." and when i say "radishes" plural, i mean more than one. she ate two, maybe three. not whole. holy choking hazard. they were cut up. i did sneak them in with the cut up chicken nuggets. usually my sneaking is no match for her sleuthfullness (just made that up). she can bob and weave around my vegetables. but today. no. today was a mommy gift! no throwing! no food lobbed at my dog with the ever-iffy stomach! happy tuesday! once i saw her eating them i chopped furiously. got. to. get. more. in. while. i. can. ended up being about 2.5. don't worry. i'm not getting cocky. i know tomorrow radishes will be so 24 hours ago whatareyouthinkingyoustupidmommy! i'm planning on a radishtastrophe (obviously made up). so today i will just revel in my gift. we celebrated with grapes. everyone wins. ok radishes are not a "leafy green" vegetable. or chock full of healthful goodness broccoli or spinach. but hey. beggars can't be choosers. in case you didn't know, here's a little run-down of radishygoodness (obviously made up):
-great source of vitamin C
-rich in minerals like sulphur, iron, and iodine
-the vitamin C in radishes is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
-shown to have a positive effect on asthma symptoms
-potassium in radishes can help lower your risk of kidney stones and strokes
-can significantly lower your risk of multiple sclerosis
did i mention these were organic radishes? yay me. yay R. yay yay.
i would gladly give up mini-beers if my kids would eat veggies like this every day.

radishygoodness - mini-beer (pictured second from left) = fair trade

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